Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Sorry for the delay in getting these pictures up. Adelynn and I have been enjoying our too short week together. We're also a little tired because Miss Adelynn has decided this week that anytime between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m. is an awesome time to wake up and play and that 4:30 a.m. is a perfectly acceptable time to get up for the day!

So, we started sweet potatoes on Sunday and for the most part it went well. She looked slightly alarmed as we strapped her into her bouncer and came at her with a spoonful of weird looking orange goop, but she didn't seem to mind the taste all that much. She hasn't quited figured out what to do with it once it is in her mouth though...she just kind of pushes it around with her tongue. We'll keep trying though.


  1. So Cute!! Sweet Potatoes are still one of Ava's favorites!!

  2. OK Addie...time to take after PaPa and spit that stuff out. :-)
